World Mental Health Day Mental Wellness at Workplace



   October 01, 2022
World Mental Health Day Mental Wellness at Workplace - 24 - Corporate Employee Health & Wellness Blog

World Mental Health Day is around the corner (10th October) and it's time we talk about the elephant in the room.....the pandemic, political unrest, personal tribulations and improper work-life balance have all made mental health a top priority. While the pandemic has made this a topic of conversation and taken the discussion on mental health issues from living rooms to conference halls, there is still so much we can do as corporations to promote mental health at the workplace. To look after each other, build trust and ensure that our product doesn't come at the cost of our inner wellbeing here are the top 10 tips through which organizations can promote mental health at the workplace: 1. Implement a Wellness Programme: it is no rocket science, there are organizations, counsellors and a whole lot of resources available for you out in the world if you need to create a healthy work culture that prioritizes the mental health of your employees. We at Wellness Associates provide several workshops and programs that you must check out and try for your company. 2. Lunch Breaks should be away from the computer: it's time to relax your eyes, take a breather and talk to each other. Don't get stuck in your cabins, use the lunchtime as an opportunity to talk, connect and share your lives with your colleagues. 3. Add some greenery to your workspace: Plants, plants and plants… greens go a long time… how about an indoor garden ? How about healthy snacks and fruit breaks ? How about growing some plants and veggies inside the office ? Don't forget what's good for you, it will also help your mind. 4. Workouts, yoga classes, meditation sessions… you know the shabang ! Just having a gym in the office isn't enough. Corporates need to get the right people in the room and make it a part of the company culture. Colleagues need to encourage and push each other. How about some goals ? How about taking some time off work and going for a game of cricket or football ? Wellness Associates runs the following programs and workshops to promote mental health in workspaces: Sleep Well, Mudra Yoga, Yogic Way, Magic of breathing & relaxation, Healing Touch, Way to health, Fun Fitness Games, 10 Steps to Happiness, Dance with emotions, Sound bowl healing, Mind Games, Art Therapy, Music Movement Meditation, Mindfulness & Meditation, Mindful Journaling, Mind & Emotions. 5. Set boundaries: you don't need to take that call at 10 AM. You can afford a mental health day off… you don't need to compromise on your family life for being a better employee. A big part of healthy employee culture is promoting a good work-life balance and respecting the boundaries of your colleagues and employees. Companies that allow their employees to relax and rejuvenate see better levels of productivity and creativity. So the next time you're wondering where to start ? How to take actual steps to promote Mental Health in your workplace… you know what to do !
